Venerdì 16.06.2017 dalle 18.00 alle 20.30 – 50 euro
Una pratica di qualsiasi tipo ripetuta per un tempo prolungato ha la capacità di costruire schemi che non necessariamente aiutino il nostro corpo-mente o il nostro più alto potenziale di crescita. In questo workshop studieremo questo comune fenomeno e come influenza altri aspetti della nostra vita. Impareremo a disimparare gli schemi che non ci servono più e a rimpiazzarli cone quelli che ci servono!
Più vedo meno sono sicuro di sapere.
Sabato 17.06.2017 dalle 10.00 alle 13.00 – 60 euro
Per natura noi siamo inclini ad accettare alcuni aspetti della nostra pratica/corpo/circostanze, mentre ne rifiutiamo altri. Ma, evitare qualcuno degli aspetti dell’espressione della vita crea in noi una dormienza, un vuoto che può manifestarsi come paura o giudizio nelle nostre vite e nelle nostre relazioni. Cosa accadrebbe se potessimo amare e rispettare ogni aspetto di noi e della capacità rivelatrice della vita? Come potrebbe cambiare la nostra intera esperienza di vita?
In questa pratica studieremo con curiosità cosa questo significhi e come possiamo implementare la nostra pratica di amore verso ogni dettaglio di questa esperienza umana.
Sabato 17.06.2017 dalle 15.00 alle 17.30 – 50 euro
Surrender and Actualize –
visione chiara; allineamento con i nostri desideri più alti
A volte sembra che la vita acceleri ogni anno di più. Questo è in parte dovuto semplicemente all’ammontare di informazioni che accumuliamo e che immagazziniamo nel nostro corpo-mente. Uno dei modi migliori per pulire questi cassetti stipati è attraverso il profondo abbandono. Una volta concesso alle vecchie informazioni di andarsene, creiamo spazio attorno a ciò che veramente desideriamo nelle nostre vite e riguadagnare il potere e l’energia per realizzare queste intenzioni.
Questa classe sarà una miscela di discussione, profondo abbandono yin, meditazione e esercizi di registrazione per aiutarci a coltivare chiarezza e permetterti di iniziare a realizzare i tuoi sogni e desideri.
La tua visione diventerà chiara solo quando potrai guardare nel tuo cuore. Chi guarda fuori, sogna; chi guarda dentro, si sveglia.
Domenica 18.06.2017 dalle 10.00 alle 13.00 – 60 euro
Move from Love Master Class
it’s a Process, not a Perfect
Muoversi dall’amore significa creare spazio per l’autoesplorazione, la crescita in ogni direzione e l’apprendimento attraverso il gioco.
Questa pratica è una celebrazione della vita, un miscuglio di tutto quello che è stato esplorato durante il weekend e un’opportunità di integrarla in un unico movimento fluido. Imparerai a fluire attraverso ogni situazione, mantenendoti in uno spazio di amore e accettazione e ascoltando la sinfonia della vita così come ci si svela spontaneamente.
Dove: CieloterrA, via Pisa 200/20, Sesto San Giovanni (Mi)
MOVE FROM LOVE – Weekend Workshop with Meghan Currie
All of life is a constant spontaneous process – moments weaving new moments. We are co-creators in this never-ending work of art, endowed with the gift of consciousness and granted the ability to see the direction and quality of our energy investments. Every time we invest our energy, we create a ripple, a rumble, a shift of some kind that affects the whole collective reality. And we have the gift to choose to create fluctuations of love or fluctuations of fear. We need only to get curious enough to learn how to use this magical gift.
This weekend intensive is a playful journey into the depths of the self. We will cultivate clarity and insight, and ultimately, a greater understanding of what it means to Move from Love and how to stay awake to Love Consciousness in daily life.
Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.
Each workshop in the series will build upon the previous one. And all will be an infusion of restorative healing, slow motion alignment, breath focused vinyasa, stamina building exercises and informative pauses to break down the intricate patterns of movement and complex postures. All this is interwoven with intentional dialogue and silent space for the individual to dive deeper through their layers.
*As each one builds upon the last, it is strongly recommended to sign up for all workshops. As a result of utilizing the entire package, you will see more expansive growth in your practice and a deeper integration of the practice into your life. Please bring a towel and a journal.
Friday June 16th 2017 from 6.00 pm to 8.30 pm – 50 euro
A practice of any kind repeated for a prolonged period has the capacity to build patterns that do not necessarily serve our body-minds, or our highest growth potentials. In this workshop, we will inspect this common phenomenon, and how it affects other aspects of our lives as well. We will learn to unlearn the patterns that no longer serve and replace them with those that do!
The more I see the less I know for sure.
Saturday June 17th 2017 from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm – 60 euro
Naturally we tend to accept certain aspects of our practice/body/circumstances, while rejecting others. But, avoidance of any facet of life’s expression creates within us a dormancy, a void, which can manifest as fear or judgement in our lives and in our relationships. What would happen if we could love and respect every aspect of ourselves and of life’s dynamic unfolding? How could this change our entire life’s experience?
In this practice, we will curiously inspect what this means, and how we can implement the practice of love toward every detail of this human experience.
Saturday June 17th 2017 from 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm – 50 euro
clear vision; aligning with your highest desires
Sometimes it seems as though life accelerates with each passing year. This is partly due to the sheer amount of information we accumulate and store within our body-mind. One of the best ways to clean out these internal storage lockers is through deep surrender. Once we allow the old information to fall away, we create space around what we truly want in our lives, and regain the power and energy to realize these intentions.
This class will be a blend of discussion, deep yin-full surrender, meditation and journaling exercises to help you cultivate clarity and allow you to begin to actualize your dreams and desires.
Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
Sunday June 18th 2017 from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm – 60 euro
Move from Love Master Class
it’s a Process, not a Perfect
To move from love is to hold space for self exploration, growth in every direction and learning through play.
This practice is a celebration life, a mashup of all that was explored over the weekend and an opportunity to integrate it into a piece of fluid movement. You will learn about flowing through every situation, holding yourself in a space of love and acceptance and listening to the symphony of life as it spontaneously unfolds.
4 workshops bundle: early bird 180 euro until march 31st, 220 euro after march 31st
SIS/ASC subscription (compulsory): 5 euro
Bank info:
IT90X0558401630000000001166 BIC/SWIFT: BPMIITMMXXX
Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Centrolistico ASD APS
Subject: ” your name and surname/Meghan Currie and chosen workshop”
When and How much:
Friday 16.06.2017 from 6.00pm to 8.30pm – 50 euro
Saturday 17.06.2017 from 10.00am to 1.00pm – 60 euro
Saturday 17.06.2017 from 3.00pm to 5.30pm – 50 euro
Sunday 18.06.2017 form 10.00am to 1.00pm – 60 euro
4 workshops bundle: early bird 180 euro until march 31st (fully payed), 220 euro after march 31st
*SIS/ASC subscription (compulsory): 5 euro
Where: CieloterrA, via Pisa 200/20, Sesto San Giovanni (Mi)